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Memorabilia Books

Memorabilia: Books
| Publishers/Titles | Dealers |

Dates shown are original entry dates.
Red indicates recent update to entry.

Publishers & Titles:

railAllt Om Hobby: Publishing 5-7 books a year about aviation, model railroading and other books in this field about modeling. Online catalog. Plus magazine of same name devoted to all areas of modeling, including trains. (English/Swedish) (6/29/97)

railAltamont Press: Publishers of railfan timetables and maps. (5/7/97)

railArcadia Publishing: America's leading publisher of regional history books is now publishing dozens of railroad titles featuring more than 200 vintage photographs. (5-21-03)

rail The Astragal Press: We have published several train books whose subjects range from railroad history to steamwhistles. (6-18-03)

railAussie Rail Tales: This is the website for a series of Children's books about the Puffing Billy Steam Train in Melbourne, Australia. For Children about 5-9 years - beautifully illustrated. (9-21-05)

railAyre Company Publishers: Listing and descriptions of the railroading books they sell. (6/29/97)

railBC Books: Railroads: Original works chronicling the railroad scene in Canada's British Columbia. Plus many other books on BC available. (12/11/97)

railBoxcar Boys And Girls Of The Great Depression: During the Great Depression 250,000 children left their homes and rode the rails looking for a better life. This is their unforgettable story told in their own words. (6/1/99)

railBranch Line Press: A small New England publishing company specializing in readable reference books or guides to New England's history, cultural heritage, and natural history, with an emphasis to date on transportation in New England. (9/10/00)

railCanadian Branchline Miniatures: Publisher of books relating to the steam era in Southern Ontario in the 1950's. This site also features a tour of Ian Wilson's HO "Grand River & Northern" layout. (7/11/99)

railCanadian Railway Telegraph History: A book and website dedicated to the railway telegraph in Canada. (6/19/97)

railThe Copper Spike: The history of Alaska's Copper River & Northwestern Railway as told by Lone E. Janson. (8/12/97)

railDirectory Of Railway Stations Of Ontario: Provides specific information on how to locate stations throughout Ontario, so both young and old can rekindle fond railway memories. (6/19/97)

railGerman-English Dictionary of Railway Technology: German-English Dictionary of Railway Technology. (4/13/01)

railGetting There: by Stephen B. Goddard. The epic struggle between road and rail in the American Century. (6/26/97)

rail Golden Spike Railroad Books: We offer the remaining Kachina Press inventory of Santa Fe titles plus other publishers titles. (8-1-03)

rail Indiana University Press: Indiana University Press is a publisher of numerous railroad books of both regional and worldwide interest. (12-7-02)

railIron Horse Productions: Publishers of the Toy Train Treasury series and reproducing full-color toy train catalogs from the early years of Lionel, American Flyer and Ives. (4/6/99)

railKalmbach Publishers: Publishers of prototype and model railroading and hobby books, magazines, and videos. (6/9/97)

railThe Late, Great Pennsylvania Station: A look at Lorraine Diehl's book chronicling this masterpiece of American architecture. (6/8/97)

railLines Of Country: An Atlas Of Railway And Waterway History In Canada: An atlas containing maps, photographs and text of the development of railways and canals in Canada from 1800 to the present day. (10/25/98)

railLionel: A Collector's Guide & History CR Rom Series: Covers the entire history of Lionel's train products, sets, variations and the history of the company. (4/10/99)

railLogging Railroads of Alabama: Written description and several photographs included in the book with order form, price, and shipping information. (7/19/98)

railLPD Publishing: Information on LPD books, Rail Canada, Rail America, Steam In Canada, and Those Beautiful 'C' Liners. (1/31/98)

railMilwaukee Shops Inc: Publishers of Books on the Milwaukee Road's Hiawatha passenger trains. Plans, photos of locomotives, cars & more. Please check us out. (4/20/00)

railMorning Sun Books: Enjoy the Glory Years of railroading from America's #1 publisher of all-color railroad books. (1/30/99)

railMontevallo Historical Press: Proud to issue an improved version of The Toledo, Port Clinton & Lakeside Railway as part of its effort to make outstanding historical works available at affordable prices. (7/27/97)

railNorth Kildonan Publications: Founded in 1989 to publish Canada's model train magazine CANADIAN RAILWAY MODELLER, and produce other quality printed material for markets in both the model train and prototype train industries. (12/11/98)

railOso Publishing Company: High-quality books; logging railroads a specialty. (2/19/00)

railThe Passenger Train In The Motor Age: California's Rail And Bus Industries, 1910-1941: by Greg Thompson. Synopsis, photos, the critics, and ordering information for this book. (8/20/97)

railRailroads Of The Adirondacks: by Michael Kudish. The definitive history of railroading in the Adirondacks from earliest times until the present. (6/27/97)

railRon's Books: We are a leading retailer of new and used books and DVDs. Discount prices and no shipping charges in the US. (11-30-05)

railRP CYC Publishing: Railway Prototype Cyclopedia is an outstanding series of books dedicated to prototype railway equipment in use during the 1930s-1950s. (3/10/99)

railThe School Car: This book recalls the days when a traveling schoolhouse brought the Three R's to remote railway settlements in Newfoundland, 1936-42. (5/16/98)

railSignature Press: Publishers of books on railroads and Western history. (8/2/97)

rail Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc.: Publisher of Railroad Industry books, covering rolling stock, locomotives, track, gov't regulations, and intermodal. Also atlases, maps, charts and videos. (2-5-02)

railSouth Platte Press: Publisher and seller of books on railroad history, focusing on the Great Plains and the West. (9/15/99)

rail Stephans Railroad History: Out of print books (over 6000) and railroad Magazines (over 400,000). Back issue specialist. (5-31-05)

railSteam In The Valley: A coffee table photographic book about the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum from 1961 through 1998. (7/11/99)

railTourret Publishing: Books on WW2 (USATC and WD) military locos and Middle Eastern railways. (9-13-05)

railToy Trunk Railroad: A daily comic strip about a fantasy railroad. Fun for all ages. (3/10/99)

railTrackside Canada: publishes books on Canadian railways including the annual publication Canadian Rail Passenger Review. (9/15/99)

railUS Railroad Traffic Atlas: Maps show mainlines, shortlines, Amtrak, commuter and tourist lines all with traffic density. (9/20/99)

railVTD Rail Publishing: Specializing in railroad operation: historical and technical. (11-5-02)

railWade Publishing: Publishers of S scale magazines, web site design, and more. (6/19/97)

railWithers Publishing: Publishers of Diesel Era magazine and prototype railroading books. (10/3/98)


rail Abbotsford Books: Specialist North American and European new and second hand booksellers. (10-26-04)

railComo Shops Out-Of-Print Railroad Books: Carrying over 500 out-of-print railroad books. (6/5/97)

railEvery Book I Could Find About Trains: Trainweb's ultimate listing of books published on the subject of trains being sold at, complete with links back to for every book. (12/11/97)

rail Karen's Books specialize in railroad books, train books, train DVDs,  locomotives, calendars and all forms of transportation books and DVDs. Karen's carry's books by the top publishers - Morning Sun, Four Ways West, Kalmbach, Motorbooks, Indiana University Press, etc. Foreign orders are gladly accepted ! Looking for an out-of-print book? Browse our Used Book section! (3-26-07)

railKevin T. Farrell's Books: Extensive catalog of railroad and trolley books, new and out of print. Also videos, timetables, O & HO models. (7-16-01)

railFotoImages Bookstore: Railroad books for sale, plus railroad screen savers. (2/23/99)

railKelsey's Online Book Store: Selling railroad and model railroad books, plus other topics, online. Online catalog. (3/17/98)

railMartin Bott Bookdealers Ltd: Dealers in fine and antiquarian railway books - UK and worldwide coverage. Books mailed anywhere in the world. (4/20/00)

railNation Builder Books: New and used books on American history, specializing in the history of business, industry, and transportation. (10/2/98)

railNick Tozer Railway Books: I buy & sell secondhand Rail Transport Books and Magazines in the UK. I also offer a Free Booksearch service. (9/9/00) Discounted new & used books since 1997: history of technology, transportation, trains, railroading, maritime, Civil War, aviation, military technology & transport. (1-2-03)

railRailroad Books & Trains For Sale: Older & out of print railroad & trolley books, HO brass & kits. (4/4/98)

railRailroad Books for Sale - Mostly Out of Print: Books written for the railfan, but also technical and foreign works, business & scholarly histories, transport economics, etc. (9-23-02)

railRailpub: Back issue rail related magazines, books and prototype material for sale. Price list updated monthly. (6/5/99)

railRails 'N' Shafts: Specializing in selling books and videos on transportation and industrial subject at a discount, with a focus on railroad and canal topics. Online catalog. (6/25/97)
rail Discounted new & used books since 1997: history of technology, transportation, trains, railroading, maritime, Civil War, aviation, military technology & transport. (1-2-03)

railUsed Books: Used and out-of-print books. A free book finder service. (8-24-01)

railVandewater Books: Seattle, WA. Featuring a large collection of Railroad books, as well as smaller, but growing collections of Pacific Northwest History, Western Americana and Modern First Editions. Online catalog. (12/11/97)

railWest Virginia Book Company: Selling books dealing with WV history, including a section on railroads that ran/run through the state. (3/17/98)

railWm. A. Persons, Bookseller: Selling out-of-print and rare books. Specializing in Americana, 19th Century technology, and Railroadiana. 10% discount for NMRA members. (6/8/97)

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